Opening and Performance Friday, April 1, 2022
7 - 10 pm
an installation and performance by Lena Cramer @ronaldreaganfanclub
PUMP IT UP! FEEL THE BURN! Within a home gym built in the Cunst basement, Cramer rides a stationary bike while dressed as a campily masculine character. Through the repetitive motion of peddling, they assert their masculinity. However, as exhaustion sets in throughout the duration of the performance, the cracks in this “perfect” masculinity begin to form, and the inherently constructed nature of gender is revealed.
Please feel free to leave your empty beer can in the space.
Lena Cramer (@ronaldreaganfanclub) crawled out of a swamp an indeterminate amount of time ago and now resides in St. Louis, Missouri. Working primarily in installation and performance, Cramer’s work explores queer temporalities, identity production, and artifice.