image_above: Edo Rosenblith and Erik S Peterson from their collaborative exhibition Monument Valley , 2021 at Monaco
COOL WIP episode 27:
coolin with Edo Rosenblith
and Erik S Peterson
Grab your bestie for this jam-packed, two for one special, featuring pals and artistic collaborators Edo and Erik!
It’s another meaty one… This week we’re coolin’ with longtime friends Edo Rosenblith and Erik S Peterson! We’re talking about EVERYTHING including their show Monument Valley, milky substrates, the Boss, promptly moving to Brooklyn, the Hulk, tumblr death, how authorship changes in the face of collaboration, and finally, the way in which art is the last vestige of magical thinking that we’ve permitted in Contemporary society as we navigate what we value, what we choose to remember, and how we construct our personal histories
@edorosenblith on Instagram;
@ricktatum on Instagram